Sunday, February 26, 2012

Manchester United

Manchester United, founded in 1878, is a soccer team based in England that competes in the English Premier League (ESPN). Manchester is currently the worlds most popular team and is also my favorite team. For those who don't follow any part of soccer, United has had much success in the last 20 years. They have always featured players David Beckham, Cristiano Ronaldo, Wayne Rooney, Van Nistelrooy, and Javier Chicharito Hernandez. About 10 years, I started to become more interested in soccer and began to play more and more. The World Cup ignited a spark that eventually led to me becoming a huge soccer fan. I eventually found a particular interest for the Red Devils of Manchester United. Now, I wake up early on saturday mornings to catch them play and follow the club with all the latest news. Getting so involved with being a fan of United inspired me to start playing years ago. I'm now playing as much as I can and love the game. Chicharito, one of Manchester's newest starts, is the first Mexican born player to ever play for Manchester United (Chicharito). He has emerged for the team and helped win many games. He is also becoming my favorite player for the team. He has never had the best skill, but at age 23, he is out to prove himself every game and always plays his hardest. It is easy to admire his game and how much he has overcome. Recently, the club has found success with winning the league the past 4 years and winning many cups at the same time (ESPN). This year, the team is in second place in the English Premier League only 2 points behind cross town rival manchester City. They are also in the semi finals in the Europa Cup. The clubs biggest star, Wayne Rooney, is having an outstanding year and has carried the team this year. Im excited to see how the season goes from here on out and hopes that they win it all for the 5th time in a row. if you are not a soccer fan, I highly encourage you watch a game on tv soon and enjoy watching the worlds most popular sport. For those soccer fans out there, I hope all of you who are not Manchester fans know that you are missing out.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Snowball Fight!

Alright. I know that this does not follow what I usually talk about, but Sundays snowball fight on the drill field is just to good to skip. Starting at 8 a.m. on Sunday is when I realized Blacksburg was going to experience the first real snowfall of the year. But around 430 p.m., the real fun started. The Corps of Cadets met the civilian students on the Drill Field for an epic snowball fight. I spent a solid 2 hours of my time that night launching snowballs and ducking for cover. It all started with the sound of a whistle and 2 sides charging at each other. At that time, I have never witnessed such a dramatic moment in the snow. I must have went threw 300 snowballs. I witnessed hundreds of people hurling snow and dodging their way out of incoming fire. For those who don't know, the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets and the civilian students meet on the drill field for a snowball fight after the first big snowfall of the year. This year, over two thousand students showed up to take part. This year was also not only my first snow in Blacksburg, but my first time being part of the Corps snowball "team". I am truly sorry anyone who is a student did not participate in this event. It was easily the best moment I have had all year and I am ready for next years big snow. The random people that I hit in the face with fresh snow really made my day and I hope that this tradition carries on for many years to come. I also hope that everyone is ok and had a great time. Anyone who is planning on coming to Tech...get ready for one heck of a time.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Super Bowl

A day after the Super Bowl, I have realized that last nights game may have been the best game I have got to watch. The level of play, the twists, the dramatic plays, and the ending made for a special Super Bowl 46. For anyone who was hiding in a hole or is simply un American, the New York Giants defeated the New England Patriots 21-17. Personally, I was very happy to see Eli Manning lead his team to take down the Patriots. I don't hate many things or people. But I HATE the Patriots. And last night they were not all they are said tho be. The game was played in Indianapolis, home to the Colts. Peyton Manning, Eli Manning's older brother, was said to be a huge help to Eli's success. ESPN's Ian O'Connor reported that Eli Manning's 38 yard pass to Mario Manningham on the last drive of the game was the most critical moment in his career. The 38 yard toss set up a game winning touchdown that sealed the deal for New York. Tom Hauck from Espn says that, “The differences between the process enlisted by Old Eli and New Eli, though, are stark. The old Eli Manning struggled through an uneven regular season before raising his game to unforeseen heights during a shocking playoff run”. It is obvious to see that Eli Manning has progressed throughtout his time in New York. From a hated quarterback to a two time Super Bowl winner, Eli Manning is sure to be a future Hall of Famer. I hope that everyone got a change to watch last nights game. It will be remembered forever in the hearts of many fans.