Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Number 2 seed Duke....out. Number 2 seed Missouri...out. This seemingly impossible outcome has not happened for many years. With the 2012 NCAA Mens Basketball tournament just starting, many people around the country including myself are finding out that their tournament bracket is already in bad shape. Every year millions of people fill out a tournament bracket in hopes that they will predict the destiny of the future winner. Its a fairly popular thing to do and it is becoming more and more popular every year. This year is no different from any other. The top seeded teams surely look like they will rise above the underdogs and continue to victory. The average viewer who picks their teams on the bracket also assumed that the higher ranked teams would succeed. As I mentioned before, it isn't going as planned this year. I personally have already predicted the wrong outcome 13 times and it will only increase with time. ESPN.com reported that no one out of the millions of fans who submitted a bracket online. I can not say that i'm surprised due to Duke, Missouri, and Michigan losing very early in the tournament. Going into this years tournament my hopes were not very high with the bracket I submitted. But, I had never had success in years prior with the bracket challenge. About 3 hours into this years tourney, I realized that I officially hate underdogs for what they did to the higher ranked teams. Due to the underdogs success, now I will not win the 5 million dollar ESPN reward for predicting every game right (not that I stood a chance to begin with). In all reality, with the brackets aside, this years tournament has been a blast to watch. I actually enjoy watching buzzer beater shots and the top ranked teams losing out. I highly recommend that everyone tunes in for the sweet 16 and enjoys watching all the games. At the bottom is a link to my awful bracket on ESPN.


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