Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools Sports news (What I wish happened)

For April Fools, my blog post will focus around current sports news...but with a twist. It is not all factual, but just the way I wish it all played out. So, for starters, Peyton Manning signed a 6 year contract with the Philadelphia Eagles. This came as a surprise as the Eagles just signed Mike Vick for another 7 years. Vick has now been traded to the Colts for the first pick in this years draft. Terrell Owens, who just started his arena football career, realized he is to old to do anything but retire. Its about time he hung up his cleats. Tom Brady has also retired due to personal issues. The Patriots have now placed the team for sale after realizing they can not win without him. Across the pond there has been some interesting football news also; soccer that is. In the English Premier League, Manchester City has decided to stop playing this season due to their poor performances. This opens up the title for the Red Devils of Manchester United who will win their 20th league title. Cristiano Ronaldo, who scored 8 goals against Barcelona last week, surpassed Lionel Messi for the most goals in the Spanish decision. After Cristiano's amazing game, Messi decided to retire and never touch a ball. Now defenses throughout soccer do not have to worry about his amazing skill. The USA mens U-23 soccer team DID NOT lose to Canada and embarrass US soccer. They defeated Canada and El Salvador and got the US into the upcoming Olympics. Landon Donovan, a US soccer superstar, has replaced Messi at Barcelona and is already proving to be better then him. With the MLB season drawing closer and closer, the Philadelphia Phillies have made a couple huge free agent deals. They picked up Derek Jeter, a long time New York Yankee. They also stole Jose Reyes from the Miami Marlins. With these 2 big pick ups and there already proven roster. Winning every game and the World Series is expected of them all around the league.

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