Sunday, April 8, 2012

Caldwell March?

On April 14th the 2nd part of the Caldwell March will be executed by the freshmen Corps class of 2015. The first 13 miles that were completed last october signified the end of red phase. These last 13 miles symbolize the turn over process. Turning over in the Corps means the freshmen cadets are officially upperclassmen and have full privileges in the corps. The Caldwell March is highly anticipated by all freshmen cadets and marks the end of the harsh times as a cadet. This year will be the 12th annual Caldwell March (VTCC). Although this does not have anything to do with current sports news, it is a very important event for myself and my buds. It has been a very long year. New Cadet Week, red phase, and other training events made this freshmen year long and miserable at times. But we all found a way to make the best of it. It wasn't always easy to keep your head high and stay motivated, but it all seems worth it now that the end is near. All of the upperclassmen in the Corps also know that the day is coming soon when they can finally treat us like normal people. Up until this point, they have had to treat us in a professional manner and not as friends. It made things hard at times the way we were treated, but it was fun at the same time. Nothing great comes easy. And in the end this will prove to be a great step for my future. Cadet Sergeant First Class Lowery said, "It has been a long year and the freshmen have done a great job. I am also pretty excited for it to be over"(Lowery). So after the 13 mile road march, all the freshmen cadets will have a formation on upper quad that signifies the transformation to becoming upperclassmen. It is something I try not to think about often but I know is coming very soon. I can not wait to get this freshmen year in the corps over with. A lot of stress will be relieved when its all over. Although the school year will still have 3 weeks left, it simply won't matter to me. The joy of just being able to walk in the middle of the hallways and other silly things will mask that I have finals coming.

Cadet Spotlight." Corps of Cadets. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.
Lowery, Mike. Personal interview. 7 May 2012.

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