Sunday, April 29, 2012

last weekend

It all started in late August before any other students were here. New Cadet week was a week full of training and discipline for myself and 200 other freshmen cadets. On the 3rd day, while training, I broke my wrist. The year started out in a cast and having no privileges as a freshmen in the corps. I can't say that I enjoyed Virginia Tech one bit for the first month of my college career. But as time went along, it seems to get easier everyday. This year has been full of ups and downs. Being a freshmen cadet isn't easy, but next year is surely something to look forward to.
Virginia Tech football is probably the only good thing that happened for me at tech in the fall semester. Getting yelled at and breaking my wrist sure wasn't one of them. But he thrill of being at the game was. It exceeded my expectations and I now have a new found love for Hokie football. The student body as a whole here at tech is also something that is above and beyond. There is a real sense of community all through out Tech and Blacksburg. Even when the times were rough this year it seemed like talking to a few of my friends or looking forward to saturdays game could make it better. As for classes, well lets just say they are a little harder then high school. I didn't think I did to bad this year, but I definitely learned a lot about how college will play out for the next 3 years. The most I learned this year was about myself though. I learned that I can overcome any obstacle in my path if I put my mind to it. I have more confidence as a person and I look forward to nest year.

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