Friday, April 27, 2012

In class Blog

For todays blog, I will attempt to sum up a story that my English class just made up and cover a few other key events from this week. Well I really don't know where to start with this story. It involved zombie bunnies, a red planet, people bleeding yellow, a super power Shamar, unlimited space travel and much more. The story started with on person and it continued around the room with everyone adding in their own random comments. With about 16 or so students, you can only imagine what we could come up with. The possibilities are endless and we proved that to be true. I must say this was an interesting experiment and I would recommend it to any class as an ice breaker in the beginning of the year. Although this story made absolutely no sense at all, it was fun to imagine some of the things that were happening.
In other news, lets continue with what we usually talk about...SPORTS! Actually, ill start with some current news that gets under my skin. CNN reported earlier this week that Iran has announced they have found out the capabilities of a US drone that crashed in their territory and plan to reproduce many of their own (CNN). This state of the art drone crashed in Iran and should have been returned to the US. But the o so wonderful country of Iran now has the plans to it and also plans on selling it to China. In the NFL draft last night, Stanford quarterback Andrew Luck was selected number one overall by the INdianapolis Colts to be Peyton Manning's replacement. Virginia Tech running back David WIlson was also selected in the first round.

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